Honouring a Literary Giant

The Cultural Development Foundation (CDF) in collaboration with the Planning Committee for the funeral service for the late Honourable Sir Derek Walcott are finalizing plans for a Memorial Tribute to be held at the National Cultural Centre on Friday March 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.  The event is expected to be a true celebration of the life of Saint Lucia’s most acclaimed literary son and world renowned literary giant.  Readings and performances by local as well as visiting poets and other artists will be the highlight of the evening.

On Saturday March 25th, 2017, the body of the 1992 Literature Nobel Laureate, Sir Derek Walcott will lie in state in Parliament for public viewing from 11:00 a.m.  The funeral for Honourable Sir Derek Walcott follows at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, expected to commence at 2:00 p.m.  There will be a live screening of the proceedings from the Derek Walcott Square.

Honourable Sir Derek Walcott will be laid to rest at Morne Fortune, near the Inniskilling Monument, a site vested in the Saint Lucia National Trust and within close proximity of fellow Laureate, Sir Arthur Lewis.

A special invitation is hereby extended to the public in honour of our literary great, Honourable Sir Derek Walcott by attending the Memorial Tribute and State funeral respectively.

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